Vision, Mission, and Purpose
The vision of the Soil Science Study Program is to become a superior study program that is able to produce qualified human resources capable of solving management problems environmentally sound land in preserving natural resources, with mastery of science and technology. Cultivated land study program to become Research-oriented higher education institution of Soil Science the interests of the nation and the welfare of society based on Pancasila.
Mission of the Soil Science Study Program, namely:
- Organizing undergraduate education (S1, S2, and S3) in the field of research-based Soil Science that is able to identify problems and be able to find solutions based on the principles of sustainable land and land management.
- Carrying out sustainable strategic research based on regional potential to solve problems in the agricultural sector by developing science and technology.
- Organizing services and community service with a structured and integrated program for community empowerment.
- Developing institutions that are responsive to developments in science and technology, government policies and community needs.
The objectives of the Soil Science Study Program are:
- Able to develop science and technology related to land management as land elements in supporting human life needs; both with basic research, innovative and applied research in the field.
- To produce graduates who are able to consistently learn and improve themselves to continue to a higher level of knowledge, both S2 and S3.
- Always be responsive to the interests of the current farming community and agricultural problems in the surrounding environment.
- Take an active role in planning and developing land for various purposes of its use.