The Soil Science Study Program has 7 laboratories:
General Soil Laboratory: handles research activities of faculties and students (S1, S2 and S3), both from the land department, as well as from the Faculty of Agriculture and other faculties at UGM. Also serves soil analysis from outside UGM from universities, private and public.
Equipment: Nitrogen distillation unit, Flame photometer, “Spectronic” Spectrophotometer, Shaker, Muffle furnace, Analytical balance, Waterbath, Centrifuge, Oven, pH meter, EC meter, Water meter with Cooling Facility, Water Crusher, “Shimadzu” Spectrophotometer, Rotary Vacuum Pump , Mini UV Spectrophotometer, Soil Tester, Filter 2 mm, 0.5 mm, balance “Denver”, “AND” balance, Computer, Printer “Epson”, Printer “Shimadzu”.
Chemistry and Soil Fertility Laboratory: handles various practical activities, including: Soil Fertility, Soil Chemistry, Plant Nutrition. In addition, research activities also serve lecturers and students.
Equipment: Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, “Jenway” Flamephotometer, High Power Liquid Chromatography, High speed centrifuge, FTIR Spectrophotometer, Tissue drying, pH meter, EC meter, Titration System, Electrical Analytical Balance, Electronic Portable Acid, Shaker, Oven, Damping furnace , Block Magnetic Stirer, Distillation unit, Leaching Colomn, Titrator, Magnetic Stirer, Compressor, Acetylene gas, LPG, Graphite Furnace Atomizer, Large oven, Refrigerator, Manual balance, Analytical balance, Stabilizer, Computer, Printer.
Soil Physics Laboratory: Handling Soil Physics, Conservation and Soil Reclamation practice. In addition, the study also caters to faculty and students. In addition, research activities also serve lecturers and students.
Equipment: Pressure plate apparatus, Tensiometer, Permeameter, 2 mm, 1mm, 0.5 mm sieve, Grinder, TDR Soil Moisture Meter, Wet sieving apparatus, Hanging Water Column, Oven, Infiltrometer, Compass, Clinometer, Double Ring Infiltrometer, Meter Oxygen Diffusion Meter , Thermostat, Soil thermometer, Hand anemometer, Ombrometer, Flow rate meter, Analytical balance, Computer, Pneutrometer, Rainfall simulator.
Pedology Laboratory: handles the practical activities of Soil Geology and Mineralogy, Soil and Soil Classification, Geographical Information and Digitization System, Land Survey and Evaluation. Practice includes activities in the laboratory and in the field with locations in Yogyakarta, Central Java and East Java. This laboratory also collects about 300 specimens of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks from all over Indonesia and the world. Several types of soil monoliths in Indonesia are also available for learning media.
Equipment: Diffrential thermal apparatus, Geological Compass, Altimeter, Munsell Soil color chart, GPS, Polarizing microscope, Computer, Printer, Plotter, Mirror Stereoscope, Compass, Planimeter, Soil Borr, Geological Hammer, Pedology Hammer, Pocket Hammer Penetrometer, Binocular Microscope.
Soil Management Laboratory: handles Soil Management practices. Practical activities are also carried out in the field with variations in site-specific land management (sand, peat, wetlands, highlands) covering the Yogyakarta and Central Java areas.
Equipment: Groundwater Permeameter, TDR Soil Moisture Meter, Tension Infiltrometer, Guelph Permeameter, Water Quality Lab System, Compass, Electronic Acid Soil Electronic, Electronic Plate Shape Balance, Soil Drill, Ring Sample, Leaf Areameter.
Agroclimatology Laboratory: Handling the practice of Agricultural Climatology for all students of agriculture and agro complexes at UGM. It also serves research activities in the field for lecturers and students related to the use of climate measurement tools and climate data analysis of various research locations throughout Indonesia.
Equipment: Ombograph, Sling Psychometer, Psychometer, Hygrograph, Room thermometer, Maximum thermometer, Minimum thermometer, Thermo Hygrometer, Thermo Hygrograph, Maximum and minimum water level thermometer, “Weksler” soil thermometer, “Symons” soil thermometer, Stick Thermometer, max / min Soil Thermometer, “Jordan” Solarimeter, Dual metal actinograph, Hand Anemometer, Byram Anemometer, Ombrometer, Solarimeter, 0.5 m Anemometer, 2 m Anemometer, 10 m Anemometer, Evaporating Pot, Weather Station Anemometer.
Agrohydrology Laboratory: Handling Water Management practicum activities for all students of the Faculty of Agriculture. It also caters to field research activities for faculty and students related to water management in wetlands and drylands. Many service activities have been carried out related to water extraction in dry land to increase land productivity.
Equipment: Electronic Balance, Precision Balance, Pyranometer, Light sensor, pH / EC meter, Peilscchaal, Stopwatch, Intake tube, Triple Beam Balance.