Publication List
- Software for determining land degradation by Prof. Dr. Ir. Azwar Maas, M.Sc.
- Software ‘duty plant’ for quickly land suitability evaluation that can be accessed using smartphone and available in Play store. It is made by Karina (Soil Science student) under the guidance Dr. Makruf Nurudin, S.P., M.P.
Books :
- PP 150 about Managing of Soil Degradation for Biomass Production, by Prof. Dr. Ir. Azwar Ma’as, M.Sc
- Indonesian Agro hydrological Zoning Based on Soil Moisture Regime, by Ir. Anjal Anie Asmara, M.Si, published in 2012
- Abstract Assemblage : Research Journal : Coastal Sandy Land and Sandy Soil For Agriculture System by Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Djadmo Kertonegoro, M.Sc.; Dr. Ir. Dja’far Shiddieq, M.Sc.; Dr. Ir. Abdul Syukur, S.U., published in 2012
- Realizing Genetics Gains in Indonesian and Australian Plantation through Water And Nutrient Management, by Dr. Makruf Nurudin, S.P.,M.P. as the writer member in 2011
- Utilizing The Soil Mineral and Geology to Support Sustainable Agriculture by Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Hendro S., S.U, Dr. Makruf Nurudin, S.P.,M.P., Dr. Cahyo Wulandari, SP.,MP., published in 2013
- Soil Chemistry Analysis Guidance, by Dr. Ir. Eko Hanudin, M.S, published in 2013
- Acacia mangium Cultivation Guidance, by Dr. Makruf Nurudin, SP.,M.P., published in 2011
- Quick Analysis for Swamp, by Dr. Ir. Sri Nuryani H.U., M.Sc., published in 2012
- Peat Soil Management (Lecture Summary), , by Dr. Ir. Sri Nuryani H.U., M.Sc., published in 2011
- Plant Analysis and The Interpretation (Lecture Summary), by Dr. Ir. Sri Nuryani H.U., M.Sc., published in 2012
Scientific Articles
- Soil Science Roles in Agriculture Development, Dr. Ir. Sri Nuryani H.U, PPSMB Student Orientation, Agriculture Faculty of UGM, 2011
- Carrying Capacity of Merapi Volcano Slopes Area for Agriculture and Livestock Activity after 2010 Eruption, by Dr. Ir. Sri Nuryani HU, M.Sc., in National Behavioral Assessment, Impact, and Mitigation Seminar due to 2010 Merapi Eruption, Yogyakarta, 2011
- N, P, and K Nutrient Losses Due to Soil Erosion in Klawing Sub Watershed, Purbalingga, by Dr. Ir. Sri Nuryani HU National Seminar and 10th HITI Congress, Surakarta, 2011
- Rice Field Soil Chemical Properties and Nitrogen Uptakes (Oryza sativa) on Various Application of Organic Farming Systems, Sri Nuryani H.U, Dja’far Shiddieq, Benito Heru P, Meta Kurniasari, National Seminar and 10th HITI Congress, Surakarta, 2011
- The Role of Peat Layer and Hydrological Condition in Iron Solubility Dynamics and Redox Potential in Peat Land with Substratum Sulfidic Materials, Arifin Fahmi, Bostang Radjagukguk, Benito H. Purwanto, Sri Nuryani Hidayah U, National Seminar and 10th HITI Congress, Surakarta, 2011
- Impact of adding straw and Rat’s Purun in Various Decomposition Level to the Iron Concentration in Sulfic-Acid Soil, Wahida Annisa., Benito Heru Purwanto ; Dja’far Shiddieq, Soil and Climate Journal, Special Edition for Slump. July 2011. ISSN 1410-7244, 2011
- Assessment Of Evaluation Method of Paddy Soil Fertility Status In Waeapo Plain, Buru Regency, Andriko Noto Susanto, Bambang H. Sunarminto, Bostang Radjaguguk, and Benito H. Purwanto, Indonesian Journal Of Agriculture 4(2), 2011: 124-134, 2011.
- Change from conventional to organic rice farming system: biophysical and socioeconomic reasons, Sukristiyonubowo R, Wiwik H, Sofyan A, Benito Heru .P, and S. De Neve, International Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Science Vol. 1(5) pp. 172-182 July 2011
- The Influence of Remediated Sewage Sludge and Manure on Mn Uptake and Growth of Ipomea in Andisol, Ir. Mulyono Nitisapto, M.S., Symposium Sustanable Vegetable Production in South East Asia, Salatiga, 2011
- Using Peat Soil Sustainably and Wisely, Wahida Annisa, Azwar Ma’as, National Seminar and 10th HITI Congress, Surakarta, 2011
- Efficiency Of Land and Kailan Plant Water Using Vertical Crop System with Urea and Water Adding Treatment, Mulyono Nitisapto, Anjal Anie Asmara, National Seminar and 10th HITI Congress, Surakarta, 2011
- Tenggarong Water Shed Sedimentation in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Borneo Province. Syarief Fathillah, Supriyanto N, Dja’far Shiddieq, Bambang Hendro S., National Seminar and 10th HITI Congress, Surakarta, 2011
- Erosion Hazard Level in Tenggarong Water Shed Area in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Borneo Province, , Prof. Dr. Ir. Supriyanto N., Agronomika ISSN : 1411 – 8297. Vol. 11 no. 2 Juli 2011.
- The Growth and NPK Absorption by Amaranthus Sp as Affected by Organo-Mineral Fertilizers at a Different Soil Types, Eko Hanudin, D.Marfu’ah, Aktavia Herawati and N.W. Yuwono, International ISHS Symposium, Salatiga, 2011.
- Agro-geology Approachment in Agriculture Land Treatment After Merapi Eruption, Eko Hanudin, National Seminar and 10th HITI Congress, Surakarta, 2011
- In situ Ameliorant Matters Potential in Increasing Nitrogen Availability in Degraded Peat Soil, Eni Maftu’ah, Azwar Ma’as, Abdul Syukur, B.H. Purwanto, National Seminar and 10th HITI Congress, Surakarta, 2011
- Effect of Double Layer Phonska Dosage to Orange (Citrus sp.) Commodity’s Vertical Distribution and N Uptakes in Bugel, Kulonprogo Sandy Land, Aktavia Herawati; Abdul Syukur; Dja’far Shiddieq, National Seminar and 10th HITI Congress, Surakarta, 2011
- Land Suitability Evaluation for Dragon Fruit (Hylocereusundatus), Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff)Boerl) and Rosella (Hibiscus sabariffa L) in Batang Regency, Arif Rokhman, Syamsul Arifin S, Bostang Radjagukguk, National Seminar and 10th HITI Congress, Surakarta, 2011
- Boron Absorption by Two Peanut Cultivars (Arachis hypogaea L.) on Typic Kandiudults as Affected by Sand and Boric Acid Applications, Hanudin, E., Purwanto, B.H., and Wahyuni, D., International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESAFS), di Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2011
- Soil Science Competence Standardization in Indonesia, Eko Hanudin National Seminar and 10th HITI Congress, Surakarta, 2011
- Explore interaction between site and soil properties and productivity of Acacia mangium plantation, Makruf Nurudin, The ACIAR Workshop on `Increasing productivity and profitability of Indonesian small holder plantations`, 2011
- Peat Soil Characteristic and Suitability for Corn Commodity Development in Rasau Jaya III, Kubu Raya Regency. Denah Suswati; Bambang Hendro S; Dja’far Shiddieq; Didik Indradewa, Agripura Journal Vol 7 No.2 ISSN : 1858-2389, December 2011
- Natural Matters Utilization as Nitrification Inhibitor to Increase Paddy Field Nitrogen Fertilizing Efficiency, Joko Pramono; Djoko Prayitno; Tohari; Dja’far Shiddieq, Land Science Vol 8, No.2 (2011) ISSN : 1412-3606, 2011
- Characteristics of Soil Derived from Ultramafic Rocks for Extensification of Oil Palm in Langgikima, North Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi, M. Tufaila, Bambang Hendro Sunarminto, Abdul Syukur, Agrivita Journal, Vol 33 No 1 (2011) ISSN : 0126-0537, 2011
- Corn-Green Bean Mixed Cropping Responds as Trench Treatment in Dry Land, Edy, Tohari. Didik Indradewa, and Dja’far Shiddieq, Agro-Tropical Journal 16(1)
- Study of Critical Soil Conservation Based on Land Unit at Sempor Watershed, Kebumen Regency, Dwi Priyo Ariyanto, Bambang Hendro Sunarminto, Dja’far Shiddieq, Sains Tanah Vol 8, No. 2 (2011) ISSN : 1412-3606, 2011.
- Water Balance Analysis For Crops Development at Different Climate Condition, Mardawilis, Putu Sudira, Bambang Hendro Sunarminto, Dja’far Shiddiq, AGRITECH, Vol. 31, No.2, May 2011 ISSN : 0216-0455, 2011
- N Zeo Phosphate Fertilizer Trial : Effect of N Fertilizer – Natural Zeolite Type and Dosage to the Ultisol Chemical Properties, Muhammad Rif’an; Bambang Hendro Sunarminto, Eko Hanudin, Supriyanto Notohadisuwarno and Diah Setyorini, Agronomica Journal Vol. 11, No. 2, July 2011 ISSN: 1411-8297
- Potential of Metarhizium anisopliae Fungi in Controlling Sugarcane Root Destroyer Pest, Tri Harjaka, Edhi Martono, Witjaksono, and Bambang Hendro Sunarminto, National Seminar and Pesnab IV Presiding, Jakarta, October 15, 2011
- Merapi Volcano Slope Area Potential for Green Manure Development, Nasih Widya Yuwono, National Seminar and 10th HITI Congress, Surakarta, 2011, with theme “Land Restoration Efforts As A Result of Volcanic Eruption”
- Artificial Neural Network To Measure Phosphorus Amount In Agricultural Soils, Feriyonika & NW Yuwono, Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference Indonesian Scholars in Taiwan. Taichung, Taiwan. March 19, 2011. ISSN 2086-5953. P: 109-113, 2011.
- Roles of Organic Mulch and Planting Season for Red Chili in Vertisol Sukoharjo, Puji Harsono; Dja’far Shiddieq, National Seminar Proceedings and Annual Meeting of Agricultural Sciences Dean, Vol 1 ISBN: 978-979-8389-18-4, 2011
- Fish Pond Bed Soil Fertility Improvement through Inceptisol Pemarelan with Ultisol and Vertisol Materials, Saberina Hasibuan, Bambang Djadmo K; Kamiso Handoyo; Eko Hanudin, National Seminar and 10th HITI Congress, Surakarta, 2011 with theme “Land Restoration Efforts As a Result of Volcanic Eruption”
- Possibility of Cangkringan Gendol River Water Quality Impact to A Number of Agriculture Plants Growth, Bambang Djadmo, K, National Seminar and 10th HITI Congress, Surakarta, 2011
- Production, Quality, and In-Vitro Digestibility of Bengal Grass (Panicum maximum) on Saline Land, Endang Dwi Purbajanti; R. Djoko Sutrisno; Eko Hanudin; Subur Priyono, Livestock Bulletin Vol. 35 (1): 30-37, February 2011 ISSN: 0126-4400, 2011
- Corn-Green Beans Intercropping Response on Trenched Dry Land, Edy; Tohari; Didik Indradewa; Dja’far Shiddieq, Agro Tropical Journal Vol 16 No 1:38-44, 2011
- Utilizing Azolla for Organic Paddy Cultivation, Mujiyo; Bambang Hendro Sunarminto; Eko Hanudin;Jaka Widada, Agronomica Journal Vol. 11 No. 2, July 2011 ISSN: 1411-8297, 2011
- Land Suitability Evaluation for Soybean (Glycine max L) on Some Soil Classification Types, Mardawilis; Bambang Hendro S; Dja’far Shiddieq; Putu Sudira, Agronomica Journal Vol. 11; January 1, 2011 ISSN: 1411-8297, 2011
- Zeolite and Hucalcia as Coating Material for Improving the NPK Fertilizer Quality in Coastal Sandy Soil, Sulakhudin; Abdul Syukur, Bambang Hendro S., Tropical Soils Journal Vol. 16 No. 2, 2011: 99-106 ISSN: 0852-257X, 2011
- Growth and Yield of Three Rice Varieties in Straw Compost – Purun Rat (Eleocharis dulcis) Treatment in Acid Sulfate and Ironic Soil, Izhar Khairullah; Didik Indradewa; Prapto Yudono; Azwar Ma’as, Agroscientiae Journal Vol. 18, August 2, 2011
- Nitrogen Nutrient Utilization in Rice Genotype, Darjanto; Didik Indradewa; Bostang Radjagukguk;Taryono; Agronomica Journal Vol. 11; January 1, 2011 ISSN: 1411-8297, 2011
- Lower Concentration of microelements in Leaves of Citrus Infected with ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’, Y. Masaoka, A.Pustika, S. Subandiyah, A. Okada, Eko Hanudin, Benito H Purwanto, M. Okuda, Y. Okada, A . Saito, P. Holford, A. Beattie, T. Iwanami, JARQ 45 (3), 269-275 (2011) 2011.
- Management of soil fertility for soya, Dr. Ir. Sri Nuryani HU, Training Sustainable Agriculture Development Code Black Soybean, FTP UGM-PT Unilever 2012.
- Vertical Gardening For Vegetables, Dr. Ir. Sri Nuryani H.U, Proceeding of Fist International Symposium on Sustainable Vegetable Production in South East Asia, August 2012 ISSN 0567-7572; ISBN 978 90 6605 535 3, Acta Horticulturae no. 958. Published by ISHS 2012.
- Soil Fertility Management for Soybean Commodity, Dr. Ir. Sri Nuryani HU, Training Sustainbale Agriculture Develpoment Training For Black Soybean, FTP UGM-PT Unilever 2012
- Vertical Gardening for Vegetables, Dr. Ir. Sri Nuryani H.U., Proceeding of Fist International Symposium on Sustainable Vegetable Production in South East Asia, August 2012 ISSN 0567-7572; ISBN 978 90 6605 535 3, Acta Horticulturae no. 958. Published by ISHS, 2012.
- Natural Harmonized Planting at Merapi Slope Area. In : Disaster Resilient Community Construction, Dr. Ir. Sri Nuryani HU, Mizan Cooperating With Religion and Inter-Cultural Studies) UGM, 2012
- The Specify of Orange Jasmine (Murraya sp.) to Iron Deficiency, Dr. Cahyo Wulandari, S.P.,M.P., The Annual Meetings – Japanese Soil Scientist and Plant Nutritionist Society, 2012
- Land Capability Evaluation of Tenggarong Watershed in Kutai Regency, East Borneo Province, Prof. Dr. Ir. Supriyanto N., Magrobis. ISSN: 1412-0828. Vol. 12 (no.1) in January 2012
- Tenggarong Watershed Land Use Management in Kutai Regency, East Borneo, Prof. Dr. Ir. Supriyanto N. Magrobis. ISSN: 1412-0828. Vol. 12 (no.2), September 2012
- Effect of Organic Acid Types and Phosphate Rock Acidulation for P Availability in N Zeo Phosphate Fertilizer Test, Prof Dr. Ir. Supriyanto N., Journal of Rural Development, ISSN 1411-9250 Vol. 12 no. 2, December 2012
- The Influence of Peat Layer on Hidrogen and Aluminium Concentration Originating From The Substratum Sulfidic Material, Arifin Fahmi, Bostang Radjagukguk, Benito H. Purwanto dan Eko Hanudin, Jurnal Tanah Tropika. Volume 17, No. 3 (2012). ISSN 0852 – 257X, 2012.
- The Leaching of Iron and Loss of Phosphate in Acid Sulphate Soil Due to Rice Straw and Phosphate Fertilizer Application, Arifin Fahmi, Bostang Radjagukguk, dan Benito H. Purwanto, Jurnal Tanah Tropika. Volume 17, No. 1 (2012). ISSN 0852 – 257X, 2012.
- Storage Efficiency N, P, K on Degraded Peat land by Giving Some Formula Ameliorant, Eni Maftu’ah, A. Maas, dan B.H. Purwanto, Seminar Internasional Wetland. Banjarmasin 26-27 September 2012.
- Soybean Crop Responses to Rhizobium Inoculation, Okti Purwaningsih; Didik Indradewa; Siti Kabirun; Dja’far Shiddieq, AGROTROP Vol 2, No. 1, May 2012 ISSN: 2088-155X, 2012
- Iron (Fe) and Zinc (Zn) Enrichment in Rice and Determinants Rice Efficient Varieties in Vertisol and Inceptisol Soil, Yustisia, Tohari, Dja’far Shiddieq, Subowo, AGROTROP Vol 2, No. 1 May 2012
- Manganese Concretions Characteristics in Bunder Forest Mollisol, Eko Hanudin, Makruf Nurudin and Joko Wahyu Purnomo, Proceedings of Agro Forestry National Seminar, Faculty of Forestry UGM 2012
- Nitrogen and Magnesium Fertilizer Shading Effect on Phyllantin and Total Flavonoids Yield of Phyllanthus niruri in Indonesia soil, Eko Hanudin, Hardhina Wismarini, Triana Hertiani and Bambang Hendro Sunarminto, Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Vol. 6(30), pp. 4586-4592, 8 August, 2012. Available online at DOI: 10.5897/JMPR12.591 ISSN 1996-0875 ©2012 Academic Journals, 2012.
- Nanotube Material in Soil Science, Eko Hanudin, National Seminar HITI Komda East Java, on 29th November 2012. UPN “Veteran” Surabaya, 2012.
- Soil physic-chemical characteristics Effect on of Acacia mangium plantations productivity potential in Indonesia, Makruf Nurudin, Seiichi Ohta, Eko Bhakti Hardiyanto, Daniel Mendham, Makiko Watanabe, Agus Wicaksono, Joko Heriyanto, International Conference SUSTAIN 3th, Kyoto, Jepang, 2012.
- Palm Oil Plantation (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Productivity After Being fertilized by empty fruit bunch and Palm Oil Mill Effluent, Sapto Prayitno, Didik Indradewa, and Bambang Hendro S., Agricultural Science Journal, Vol 15 No. 1 (June, 2012)
- Combination of Organic Fertilizer-NPK in Rice-Based Crop Rotation for Chemical Properties and Rice Yield Improvement, Oktavia S. Padmini, Tohari, Djoko Prajitno, and Abdul Syukur, Agricultural Science Journal Vol 15 No. 1 (June 2012)
- Organic Mulch Effect on Three Green Bean (Vigna radiate L.) Varieties Growth at Bugel Coastal Land, Kulon Progo Regency, Wiwara Sunghening, Tohari, Dja’far Shiddieq, VEGETALIKA Journal Vol 1 No 2 ISSN: 2302-4054, 2012
- Characteristics of Morphology and Formation of Roots Nodule On Casuarina equiisetifolia sp., Winastuti Dwi Atmanto, Sumardi, Dja’far Shiddieq, and Siti Kabirun, PLANT FOREST RESEARCH JOURNAL Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2012 ISSN: 1829-6327, 2012
- Development of Site and Genetic Improvement in Integrated Bio-cycle Farming System for Sustainable Development, Cahyono Agus; Bambang Hendro S; Bambang Suhartanto; Ambar Pertiwiningrum; Budi S Daryono; Diyah Rachmawati; Endang Semiarti, International Sustainable Development Research Conference University of Hull, 2012.
- Effect of Composition Media and Hydroponic Nutrient Levels on Tomato (Licopersicon esculentum Mill.) Growth and Yield, Ratna Indrawati; Indradewa Learners; Sri Nuryani HU, Vegetalika Journal Vol. 1; No. 3, 2012
- Integrated Bio-Cycle Farming Systems As a New Environmental Economics and Social Culture Based Agroforestry Paradigm, Cahyono Agus, Bambang Suhartanto, Bambang Hendro S; Ali Agus, National Agroforestry Seminar Proceeding, Faculty of Forestry UGM, 2012
- Sustainable Management of Banana Fusarium wilt Disease Through Generating on Soil Suppressiveness, Arif Wibowo, Medina Uli A, Aulia Rahman A, Rahma Kusbandari, Sudarmono, Sri Nuryani HU, Siti Subandiyah, Tonny Pattison, Leane Forsyth, Agustin Molina, The 5th International Symposium on Food and Environment “Current Research Progress on Sustainable Agriculture in East Asia”, 2012.
- Spatial Arrangement and Agriculture Development Policies to Accelerate Food Sovereignty, Dr. Ir. Sri Nuryani HU, FGD 67th Anniversary, Faculty of Agriculture UGM, 2013
- Nitrogen Efficiency in Organic Rice Fields Which Fertilized by Goat Manure and Azolla, Dr. Ir. Sri Nuryani HU, Organic Farming National Seminar, Theme : Establishing The Save and Environmentally Friendly Food Production and to Increase the Farmer Revenue, National Seminar on Agricultural Research, 2013
- Land Evaluation after Merapi Volcano Eruption in 2010, Dr.Ir. Sri Nuryani HU, National Seminar on Agricultural Research, 2013
- Nitrogen Efficiency of Goat Manure and Azolla on Organic Rice Farming in Sambirejo, Sragen, Central Java, Indonesia, Sri Nuryani H.U; Benito H.P; Rico Cahya, Proceedings of 11th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESAFS) di Bogor 21-24 Oktober 2013 ISBN : 978-979-19904-1-7, 2013.
- The Influence of Waste water Treated and Manure on Mn Uptake and Growth of Water Spinach (Ipomea Aquatica l.) in Andisol, Dr. Ir. Sri Nuryani H.U., International Journal of Applied Agricultural Research, Vol. 8 No. 2 (2013); pp. 23 – 33 ©Research India Publications. , 2013.
- Recent Land Condition on Hazardous Area of Merapi Volcano Based On Post-Disaster Land Damage Assessment , Dr. Ir. Sri Nuryani H.U., International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology, Year : 2013, Volume : 6, Issue : 3 Print ISSN : 0974-1712. Online ISSN : 2230-732X. Article DOI : 10.5958/j.2230-732X.6.3.002, 2013.
- Rainwater Harvesting-Based Marginal Land Irrigation Technology: A Case Study in Ngawen Sub-district of Gunungkidul Regency, Indonesia, W. Brontowiyono; R. Lupiyanto; E. Yuwono; B. Sulistiono;Suci Handayani; D.A. Harjito, International Journal of Sustainable Future for Human Security Vol 1 No. 2; 2013.
- Organic Paddy Field Physical Properties Study in Bantul, Sleman Regency, DIY Province, Magelang, and Sragen, Central Java, Suci Handayani; Rosich Attaqy, National Agriculture Research Proceeding, 2013
- Effect of Lack Water Stress on Pogostemon cablin Benth Physiological Characters, Setiawan; Tohari; Dja’far Shiddieq, Journal of Industrial Crops Research Vol 19 No. 3, September 2013, ISSN: 0853-8212, 2013
- The Effect Of Legumes And Non-Legumes Biomass Toward N Mineralization On Degraded Soils In Lampung, Indonesia, Andy Wijanarko, Benito Heru Purwanto, Dja’far Shiddieq and Didik Indradewa, ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science November 2013. vol. 8 No. 11, 723-731, 2013.
- Soil pH Improvement and Phosphate Availability in Degraded Peat Land through Ameliorant Formulas Application Made from Organic Materials, Eni Maftu’ah, Azwar Maas, and Benito Heru P, Organic Farming National Seminar. Theme : Establishing The Save and Environmentally Friendly Food Production and to Increase the Farmer Revenue, National Seminar on Agricultural Research, 2013
- Sustainable Agricultural Land Mapping Study (LP2B) in Purwerejo Regency, Melulosa Andhytya Sakti; Bambang Hendro S; Azwar Ma’as; Didik Indradewa; Bambang Djadmo Kertonegoro, Jurnal Sains Tanah Vol. 10, No. 1 (2013) ISSN : 1412-3606, 2013.
- The Effect of Humic Acid and Silicic Acid on Phosphate Adsorption by Amorphous Minerals, Eko Hanudin, S.T. Sukmawati, Bostang Radjagukguk, Nasih Widya Yuwono, Proceeding “The 4th International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security- SUSTAIN 2013
- Some Soil Chemical Properties Affecting Aluminium and Iron Uptake by Tea Plant on Andisols, Eko Hanudin, Satria Wahyu Anggita, Nasih Widya Yuwono, Proceedings of 11th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESAFS) at Bogor 21-24 October 2013 ISBN : 978-979-19904-1-7, 2013.
- Some Soil Chemical Properties Affecting Aluminum and Iron Uptake by Tea Plant on Andisols, Eko Hanudin, Satria Wahyu Anggita, Nasih Widya Yuwono, Proceedings of 11th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESAFS) di Bogor 21-24 Oktober 2013 ISBN : 978-979-19904-1-7, 2013.
- Relationships between soil characteristics and productivity of Acacia mangium in South Sumatra, Makruf Nurudin, Seiichi Ohta, Eko Bhakti Hardiyanto, Daniel Mendham, Makiko Watanabe, Agus Wicaksono, Joko Heriyanto, TROPICS Vol. 22 (1): 1-12 Japan, 2013.
- Physiology Response and Onion (Allium cepa L.) Yields on Various Soil Moisture and Altitude, Muhammad Anshar; Tohari; Bambang Hendro Sunarminto, and Endang Sulistyaningsih, 2013
- The role of Edu – tainment In Building Commitment and Real Role in Jihad Movement Food Sovereignty , Cahyono Agus ; Bambang Suhartanto , Bambang Hendro Sunarminto , and Ali Agus , Online Journal of Tropical Agriculture USU Graduate FP Vol.1 , No.1 . June 2013
- Application Of A Fluorescent Pseudomonad Into Potting Soil For Better Performance Of Tomato Seedlings Against Ralstonia solanacearum, Triwidodo Arwiyanto, Bambang Hendro Sunarminto, Proceeding International Conference on Organic Agriculture Sciences, 2013.
- Spatial Variability of Soil Inherent Fertility Status at Irrigation Rice Field in Waeapo Plain, Buru Regency, Andriko Noto Susanto, and Bambang Hendro Sunarminto, J Trop Soils, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2013: 115-124 ISSN 0852-257X, 2013.
- Effect of Peat Layers on Redox Potential in Peat land with Sulfidic Material Substratum, Arifin Fahmi; Bostang Radjagukguk; Benito HP; Eko Hanudin, Proceedings of 11th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESAFS) ISBN : 978-979-19904-1-7 di Bogor 21-24 Oktober 2013.
- Ameliorant Effectiveness on Degraded Peat Soil to Increase Sweet Corn ( Zea mays L. var . Saccharata ) Growth and NPK Uptake, Eni Maftu’ah; Azwar Ma’as, Abdul Syukur, Benito HP, Indonesian Agronomy Journal Vol 41, No.1 : 16-23 ISSN No. 2085-2916, 2013
- Andisol Phosphorus Availability for Maize (Zea mays L.) by Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria Inoculum, Tamad; Azwar Ma’as, Bostang Radjagukguk, Eko Hanudin; Jaka Widada, Indonesian Agronomy Journal, Vol. 41, No 2: 112-117 ISN No.. 2085-2916, 2013
- Soil Labile in Recalcitrant Carbon Fraction in Organic and Conventional Rice Farm in Indonesia, Benito H.P.; Sri Nuryani HU; Tiara Kartikasari; Latifah A; Sukristyonubowo; Stefaan De Neve, Proceedings of 11th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESAFS) di Bogor October, 21-24 2013 ISBN : 978-979-19904-1-7, 2013.
- Balance of Carbon and Sustainability Index Rice Field Manage Organically and Conventionally in Sawangan, Magelang, Indonesia, Erwin Prastowo; Benito HP; Eko Hanudin; Sukristyonubowo; Stefaan De Neve, Proceedings of 11th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESAFS) at Bogor, October 21-24 2013 ISBN : 978-979-19904-1-7, 2013.
- P Fertilization Effect on Growth of Centella Asiatica in Ngipik Sari Inceptisols at Different Soil Moisture Condition, Agus Suprihatin; Benito HP; Linca, Proceedings of 11th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESAFS) in Bogor October, 21-24 2013 ISBN : 978-979-19904-1-7, 2013.
- Use of Ameliorant to Increase Soil Available N and Sweet Corn N Uptake at Degraded Peat Land, Eni Maftu’ah; Azwar Ma’as; Benito HP, Proceedings of 11th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asian Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESAFS) in Bogor October 21-24 2013 ISBN : 978-979-19904-1-7, 2013.
- The Effect of Silica and Manure Addition into Suppressive and Conducive Soil on The Incident of Fusarium Wilt Disease of Banana, A Wibowo; SNH Utami; S Subandiyah; MUA Somala; A Pattison; L Forsyth; A Molina, ISHS Acta Horticulturae International Symposium on Banana, 2013.
- The Combination of Land Resource Evaluation Approach in GIS Application to Determine Prime Commodities for Agricultural Land Use Planning at Developed Area (A case study of Central Kalimantan Province Indonesia), Andy Bhermana; Bambang HS; Sri Nuryani HU; Totok Gunawan, ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science Vol. 8, No. 12 ISSN: 1990-6145, Desember 2013.
- Recent Land Condition on Hazardous Area of Merapi Volcano based on Post-disaster Land Damage Assessment, Sri Nuryani HU; Marwasta Djaka; Benito HP, International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Biotechnology, Vol. 6, No. 3, 2013: 347-354ISSN: 0974-1712, 2013.
- Effect of Iron Deficiency on Root Ferric Chelate Reductase, Proton Extrusion, Biomass Production and Mineral Absorption of Citrus Root Stock Orange Jasmine (Murraya exotica L.), Cahyo Wulandari, Journal of Plant Nutrition Vol. 37, 2014.