The International Seminar with the theme “Organic Agriculture in the Tropics – State-of-the-Art, Challenges, and Opportunities” was successfully held on August 20-24, 2017. The seminar was held at the University Club (UC) Hotel, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta.
The International Seminar activities are held in collaboration with 4 national and international universities and research institutions, namely the UGM Faculty of Agriculture-Yogyakarta, UPN-Yogyakarta Agriculture Faculty, UNS-Solo Agriculture Faculty, Ghent University-Belgium, Bogor Soil Research Institute (Balittan), and also ISOFAR (International Society of Organic Agriculture Research).
This seminar was opened by the Chairman namely Prof. Stefaan De Neve and Dr. Benito Heru Purwanto, then followed by the opening of the UGM Rector (Prof. Dwikorita Karnawati, Ph.D), and representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia (Prof. Dr. Dedy Nursyamsi, M.Agr).
This International Seminar was attended by nearly 200 participants who were researchers from various fields of agricultural science from Indonesia and abroad (Belgium, Japan, India, Philippines, Uganda, China, Bulgaria, Costarica, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Nigeria, Russia, Czech, Switzerland, Thailand, Congo, Austria, France, Germany, Myanmar and Malaysia).
This seminar discussed various fields of study in relation to organic agriculture such as the field of management and quality of land, agricultural economics, fields of plant pests and diseases, fields of organic livestock products, fields of organic food, soil and biology technology, and general fields covering general issues related to organic farming.
This series of International Seminars not only consists of seminar activities but will also be equipped with exhibitions of organic products and field trip activities to organic farms such as Tirtosari-Magelang organic rice fields, and Kopeng-Salatiga organic vegetable land.